It's personal data cloud storage protected by end-to-end encryption. You can easily register in any services that require verification of your identity with verified Telegram Passport profile. It’s enough to upload your identification data once to the decentralized Telegram cloud. All data is protected by end-to-end encryption.
Telegram Passport is one of components Telegram Open Network platform. Service of users identification Telegram Passport (TON External Secure ID) is destined for finance services, which require personal verification.
For using the complete service of authorization, you need to have an account on Telegram messenger. In configuration of your Telegram account is required just once to fill correctly Passport, after that it’s possible to start using every service, integrated with Telegram ID literally in couple of clicks.
Your personal data will be kept in secure Telegram cloud. Moreover, required verification is made by the service you register with. Exchange of data is made exclusively in secure encoded format.
More viewed information about TON External Secure ID you can find on our Instagram account.
All interaction with Passport service occurs in Messenger Telegram with system bots help. You will obtain step-by-step hints doing first filling and with each consequent authorization. If you have difficulties while using Telegram Passport, you can make any question to our Quora account and we will be happy to answer.
To open Telegram Passport for the first time, you must click the authorization button in any service that is integrated with Telegram or test access page (in States that are blocking access to Telegram, the link is available only if it has VPN).
Filled profile is available in Telegram application: Settings → Privacy → Bots and Sites → Telegram Passport. This configuration point appears just after the first passport filling.
The Passport is about just to fill correctly your profile in order to use it for quick authorization in different electronic wallets, including cryptocurrencies without loading each time lots of the same data to new service.
Information about new opportunities of features in Telegram Passport is published in our Twitter and Telegram channel TON News, subscribe to always be aware. And for those who are interested in not only news, but also analytical articles on this topic, Give me Gram! channel is suitable.
If you want to use TON infrastructure, you do not need to fill Telegram Passport. It’s possible to use cryptocurrency anonymously, too. But you have to understand that in some cases it can still be required to fill Passport.
What is required to fill passport data for? If you want to buy or sell coins for fiat (real) money, it’s necessary to provide to the services, which perform exchange transactions, your personal data. Since any operations with cryptocurrencies, which are subject to State regulation, require verification of identity. However, you can receive tokens in your TON purse and freely pay with it without downloading documents, Telegram Open Network does not require identity verification of users.
Registration process in Telegram Passport step by step:
After that, it’s time for loading documents.
Following next bot’s instructions, it is necessary to fill your personal data:
After filling all data, click the button «Authorization». Starts the procedure of verification, about the results will come another notification apart. Because the verification procedure is made by the service itself and not by Telegram, the exact terms of checks are different and depend of the selected service.
To confirm the identity can be used national passport, driver’s license or other official identity documents. To confirm addresses can be required a reference from Bank, a contract or utility bill.
Telegram Passport does not assume the role of moderator and does not verify the data’s validity and their correspondence to any requirement, it just keeps them (of course, in encrypted format).
Each individual service develops the information by itself, by its own rules. On average, if everything is filled correctly, the time of waiting is about 10 minutes.
Your identity documents and personal information will be stored in Telegram cloud using though encryption. Moreover, the access to profile is protected with password. Stay tuned for new privacy settings in our channel TON News. You will find more technical details about the operation of the personal data warehouse in channel Give me Gram!.
Service, which uses Telegram ID, gets data entered manually and supporting images/scans. Typically, similar checking authentication is automated with help of text recognition and face.
Telegram is one of the most confidential messenger in the world, so it’s expected that many users of it, who wanted to stay in incognito mood, the question arises: will the account be still completely anonymous if in it are downloaded all personal data.
Keep calm: it doesn’t worth it to worry. If you want to keep anonymity in the messenger, then the filling of Passport will not change anything. Authorization in the strange services passes without binding to Telegram profile and TON team do not have access to cloud storage, that is, the account will be anonymous if you do not fill your name and real photo in Bio.
The main problem that can occur when filling your account: service did not approve the introduced information in Passport. Most often, it occurs when you upload photos or scans of a insufficiently high quality.
What to do in that situation? You need to edit the Passport, restarting better photos in profile and retry the authorization again.
It is necessary the text to be clear and readable in all pictures, especially at the selfie with a document in hand.
If you have any difficulty filling the Passport, make a question to our Quora account, we will try to help solve it.
To change the data open the Telegram application Settings → Privacy → Bots and Sites → Telegram Passport. After you enter given password, all the downloaded data will be available for editing. At any point in the Passport it is possible to add other documents.
Go to Settings → Privacy → Bots and Sites → Telegram Passport in Telegram application and then enter the password for two-factor authentication. In the profile row line is the button «Delete Telegram Passport».
Today, the authorization through Telegram is supported by the following services: Sum & Substance, CEX.IO, Xena, CryptoPay, YouDrive, Profi, Worki , Minter Network, Minexcoin, KICKICO, Cryptonomos and ICOadmin.
This list is filled every time. If you want to keep to see new projects, which connect TON External Secure ID, subscribe to our Telegram channel TON News. Do you also want to find out why some services are already cooperating with Telegram, while others are in no hurry to connect? Read also public Give me Gram!.
You can integrate authorization through Telegram Passport for your sites and applications for completely free. Setting will require minimal effort, for developers is available detailed API documentation with examples (in the States tnat are blocking access to Telegram, the link is available if it has VPN).
If your service is integrated with TON External Secure ID, we recommend you to subscribe to our Telegram account TON News and follow of platform actualizations. Detailed connection instructions can be found in Give me Gram! channel.